Training week Dec 6-12

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  • #6718


    HI Team

    Great job at the races this weekend! 😀 Now we have our first biathlon races this weekend!! 😀 😀 😀

    Tuesday (7): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1 SK combo and gym strength

    Wednesday (8): 4:30-6:15pm. Intensity SK combo. We’ll end a bit early as there is a presentation for coaches and parents @6:30pm tonight.

    Thursday (9): no practice

    Friday (10): 2:00-4:30pm. Race prep combo, race plans, ski testing. We will also base wax race ski’s.

    Weekend (11-12): NORAM/Calforex Cup. Race weekend!! Check here for info:

    More weekend info to come after Friday night coaches meeting. Please check back Friday night after 9:00pm for race info, arrival times etc.

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