Training week (Dec. 7-13)- updated

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  • #6480


    Hi Team

    Great efforts this weekend, especially sunday!! The temps were cold but you toughed it out and produced great efforts despite the tough conditions!

    This week the temps will be a little up and down. So on the cold days we’ll do what we can to keep practice continuous. I will be at Tuesday practice but on wednesday a.m. I am of to Silverstar with some of you. Everyone staying in Canmore will attend a thursday practice and Biathlon time trial on saturday led by Jeff.

    Tuesday: LC-TC-TW. 4:30-6:30pm. It’ll be cold. Come with classic gear, we’ll just do combo so you can all stay warm.

    Wednesday: practice on own for everyone

    Thursday: LC-TC-TW. 4:30-6:30pm. Z3 skate combo (Z3 + 5bpm). Temps are supposed to be warmer this day.

    Saturday: Biathlon TT for LC-TC-TW. 10:00am zero, unless Jeff changes it due to temps. 10:45am start. Mass start format race. About 10km for Yth men and 8km for Yth women/sr boys/girls. Stay posted, temps might be to TT at all saturday

    The following week we are back at it with the races! 😀 😀

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