training week: March 1-8- updated

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  • #6268


    Hi Team

    Everyone has a low volume week but some good fast intensity.

    Tuesday (3): Precision test to start. Combo on metal to finish.

    Wednesday (4):

    a.m. (TW): Z1 combo and sprints. race simulations.

    p.m. (TC-T2): Z1 combo and sprints. We will do some competitions and race simulations

    Thursday (5): Short Z3-5 intensity session. Get the body going!

    Friday (6): 2groups
    1) Going to Hinton: Z1 recovery combo in Hinton. We will also shoot. Leaving Canmore at 9:00am so we can train by 1:30pm. Anyone have room for Mel and I?

    2) Macx, Lauren, Evan leaving for XC Nationals! hace fun, race hard!

    Saturday and Sunday (7/8): Hinton races (mass start and a sprint) or XC Nationals.

    recover well this week. Consistent sleep, healthy eating and lots of fluids! Do some relaxing too.

    see you Tuesday for practice


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