Training week (Nov. 16-22)

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  • #6452


    HI Team

    Great camp this weekend! Lake Louise provided some great skiing!

    We are now in a recovery week- so re-fuel your bodies and give them the rest they need.

    Tuesday (17): TW/TC/LC. 4:30-6:30pm. Z1 CL combo

    Wednesday (18):
    a.m. 9-11am. TW. Z1 Sk combo

    p.m. 4:30-6:30pm
    TC: Z1 Sk combo
    LC: Physical with XC, check XC forum

    Thursday (19):
    a.m. TW with XC. 9-11am. 3min intervals on sprint course. Check XC forum for details or changes.

    p.m. TC/LC: No training, day off. REST!

    Friday (20): TW. Z1 CL combo. 9-11am.

    Saturday (21): Biathlon TT (with FNSC and RMR)
    TW/TC: 9-12:00. Drills + TT
    LC: 10-12:00. Biathlon TT

    Tis all- rest rest rest
    😀 😀 😀

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