Training week Oct 25-31 UPDATED

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  • #6636


    Hi Team!

    First: LL camp deadline Oct 26th! See previous post

    There has been some solid training sessions lately! I can see you all getting fitter! 😀

    Goals: If I don’t have your goals already (Rhea, Gwen, Luke, Cole, Sam), please e-mail them to me asap. Once I receive them we will have a quick meeting to discuss them.

    Tuesday (26): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1 run combo and strength in gym

    Thursday (28): 4:30-6:30pm. Bill to lead. Z1-2 SK ski combo.

    Saturday (30): It will freeze overnight so we will start a little later. Meet at the team room at 10:30am to get your poles sharpened and get the race information + warm up. We will be done around 12:15pm. Alain is by himself and could use 1 parent to help time and set up. Both courses will be on the rollerski loop. Classic technique first. PC’s: please confirm your distance when you arrive.
    Start times:
    11:00am -> 25km (12.5 +12.5) PC men
    ~11:10am -> 15km (7.5+7.5) Colin + ???
    ~11:15am -> 7.5km (5+2.5) T3’s

    I will be at Tuesday practice but away for the rest of the week on vacation. Feel free to e-mail me or call if you need to get a hold of me! 😀 😀

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