Training week (Oct 26-Nov 1)

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  • #6425


    Hi Team

    Team training for the week below… combo session plans attached…

    However, first read the text in blue!

    Shooting focus: Our shooting continues to improve in accuracy and speed, good job! The focus for the next while will be on the topics below as these are the 2 most critical performance factors for each shooting position.

    Prone focus:
    Trigger: Finger placement on pad of finger, only finger moves while you take the shot (wormy), 1st stage immediately, heavy hold on 1st stage (90% pressure), squeeze shot smoothly, hold trigger down

    Breathing: While breathing out think “relax”, same depth of breath, same air volume in lungs during breath hold, hold for 2 seconds prone, standing 1-2 seconds, (fine aim during this breath hold), breath through chest on prone, stomach for standing.

    Standing focus:
    Standing position: The most critical element in standing is the position balance. Top athletes have a solid and balanced position. This allows for no sway in the position, making the ability to hit the larger targets much easier. Ensure a perfectly balanced and relaxed position (phase 1) before you move on to taking shots (phase 2).

    Trigger: Same as above but absolutely essential that “Wormy” is working for you.

    Overall focus:
    Centre: Watch/visualize the bullet hitting the very centre of the target each time in prone and a solid 7 ring hit while shooting standing. Ensure that each shot you take is the “perfect shot”. We will settle for only perfect shots.

    Know these critical shooting mechanics!!! Perfect them and your shooting will be consistent and highly successful! It would be a smart use of time to practice and PERFECT these in your dryfiring at home. Each day that we do not shoot on the range, you should be dryfiring

    Tuesday (27): 4:30-6:30pm. TW/TC/LC: Z1 ski strength (legs only all day). Please bring ski’s and rollerski’s/helmet, we will try to use both. I will be late for this practice. Mel will set-up paper and post the plan. Please start as soon as you arrive.

    Wednesday (28): 9:00-11:00am. TW. Z3 Rski SK combo

    Wednesday (28): 4:30-6:30pm: TC and LC together with XC. Z1 Rski SK with speed. Meet at NC team room at usual time.

    Thursday (29): 9:00-11:00. TW with XC. Z1 ski SK technique focus. Please check XC forum for details or changes!

    Thursday (29): 4:30-6:30pm. TC/LC. Z3 Rski CL combo. I will be late for this practice but Jeff will be there.

    Friday (30): 9:00-11:00am: TW. Z1 CL ski with sprints combo (please bring CL Rski equipment too, you’ll use both).

    Saturday (31): TW/TC/LC. Start warm-up at 10am. Race start 10:40am. XC time trial in CL or SK (each athlete should talk to me about which technique they will do)

    Sunday (1): 9:00-11:00am. TW/TC/LC. Z1 run combo.

    SUNDAY: 11:00am. We mist help the nordic centre with trail maintenance for a few hours. Please bring a lunch this day. After our shooting (running combo) session we will head up to the Day Lodge for a 11:00am meeting and info session (about what we’ll be doing). You can eat your lunch at this time. The more people we get out, the faster we’ll be. I would encourage all available parents to come out and heelp as well! Thanks!

    😛 😛 😛 😛

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