Tuesday Mar 21 – Sunday Mary 26 – T2 training plan – revised

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    HI T2s

    Here is the plan for the week

    Please note – change of plans for Thursday workout – meet at bill warren training centre at 430 – we will do some running outdoors (probably to finish off the session) – so bring a change of clothes – water bottle, rain coat – we will be doing the national strength test, some flexibility work, and some core = indoor session except to finish off with a run. all done b y 6pm – T2 info meeting at 6pm in bwtc,

    Tuesday – soccer or swim club – 1 hour of zone 1 movement

    Wednesday – mountain biking, soccer, or swim club – 1 hour of zone 1 movement

    Thursday – club practice – see info above – meet at bwtc

    Friday – time to try a bit of core work at home – 20 minutes

    Sat – mountain biking or soccer – 1.5 hours of low intensity movement

    Sun – day off!

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