Tuesday March 19 – ski, year end party, sevec mtg

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    Hi T1/2s

    great skiing this weekend at the RMSC! great effort and some really nice looking skiing! T2s – hope you had a great time in Whitehorse!

    Tuesday Mar 19 will be our year end party and wrap up day! Here is the plan!

    5pm – meet at team room – short ski (skate gear), followed by a couple of games
    540 – bwtc – pizza party and awards! please bring $4 for pizza!
    615 – 2014 sevec exchange preliminary meeting for parents and t1s.
    630 – all done!

    I am looking for some help from a parent who could order and deliver pizza for tuesday. we have 22 T1/2 athletes, plus 3 or 4 coaches. If you can help, please let me know! Also, if you would like to send along a desert type treat for our team, that would be great! e.g. cookies, squares, etc. or a vegetable tray (?) thanks


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