Up and Coming! October at a glance!

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    Happy Thanksgiving- We will not be having a session on Monday Oct 11th.

    Attached to this post are a few important documents (see bottom of post):
    1) an updated Fall/Winter Schedule- with a few corrections
    2) LTAD resource document
    3) ITA/LT1/LT2 groups

    A few changes have been made to a few sessions from the previous calendar given out at the parent’s meeting:

    Thursday Oct. 14th– The session will be at the Bow River Campground (at the end of Three Sisters Dr. on the far side of the highway, park at the gate) rather than Our Lady of Snow Catholic school. We will be doing a skate roller ski session, so please bring your gear if you have any, we will have team rollerskis to borrow there. Remeber, no helmet- no skiing. Wear gloves, and bring your winter skate poles.

    Saturday Oct. 16th– Highline Run. We will meet at the POG East at 9:30am and pick up with be at the Quarry at 11:00. I will need one or two parents helpers for this run aswell.

    Following Week:
    Oct 18th- CNC. This is the last session for the ITA kids before they take a fall break (with the exception of the pizza night- see below).
    Oct.21st- CNC. If you have an extra pair of clean running shoes bring them to this session we will be doing some work in the BWTC gym and NO OUTDOOR SHOES allowed. We will be going in our socks if we don’t have extra shoes.

    Sally Borden Day originally scheduled for Oct 23rd has been bumped to Sunday Oct 24th. CNSC ski swap at the BWTC is on Saturday and it’s a great opportunity to pick up gear for your growing kids at very reasonable prices. So we might miss a few families who planned for Sat. but hopefully you can accomodate as it will be a ton of fun.

    CNSC Ski Swap
    CONSIGNMENT: Friday, October 22, 6:00 – 9:00pm
    SWAP:Saturday, October 23, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
    CASH or CHEQUE Only

    Banff Day. (LT1/LT2)
    Details: Sunday Oct 24th Meet at the base of the Sulpur Gondola at 9:30am sharp we’ve got a big day so we’ll start at 9:30 (trail head is close to the Banff Springs turn around circle if you are late to catch up). We will group up and head to the trail head. Bring your ski walking poles. We will ski walk to the top and take the gondola down. We will then be going to the Sally Borden centre to have lunch at the Vista’s restaurant, then have some gym time and open swim time.
    I will need 3 parents to be with the group the whole day and their lunch will be paid for by CNSC. I will also need some parents to help drive. Other parents are more than welcome to join us for the ski, lunch, gym and pool time, and it would be great to have you, but the club can only pay for the 3 heads. This is an extra part of TA so the kids will pay for their lunch, gym, and swim time. An email will be sent out after the day and cheques will be collected. Kids do not need money, the day of.

    This trip is for the LT1 and LT2 group only.

    What to bring:
    -ski walking poles
    -water bottle
    -clothing appropriate for the weather
    -indoor shoes
    -t-shirt and shorts
    -swim suit and towel.
    -lots of energy

    Following week:
    Monday Oct. 25th– CNC (we might have some man made snow laid out, so we might try having some fun on that- we’ll see)
    WEDNESDAY Oct 27th– First Gymnastics night meet at the Rec centre at 7:00 with outdoor clothes on for a 30min warm up. Have shorts and t-shirt underneath for gym time at 7:30-8:30. Pick up at 8:30pm

    Planning Ahead:
    Monday Nov 1st– Grassi Lakes Ski Hike. Meet at the Grassi Lakes Parking lot at 5:00pm. Bring your ski walking poles and some hot chocolate. We will be doing a hike up, a stop for some hot chocolate and coming back. Pick up at Grassi Lakes at 6:30.
    Wed. Nov.3rd– Gym time- 7:00-8:30 rec Centre

    Pizza Night! (ITA/LT1)
    Friday Nov. 5th: BWTC. Short Session, plus pizza, movie and a sleep over.
    ITA and LT1 kids arrive at 5:00pm with outdoor clothes on for a session. We will have pizza arrive at 6:00pm and then watch a kids movie, (any suggestions on neat ones out recently let me know) then ITA will be picked up at 8:30pm. LT1 will sleep over and pick up will be in the morning at 8:30, a light breakfast will be provided (fruit and juice). [Note: if kids are sick or on the edge of sickness, please leave them at home, a cold can move through this bunch of kids easily with an evening like this. Thanks]
    What to bring:
    -outdoor clothes
    -$5 for pizza and food.
    -indoor clothes
    -sleeping bag
    -therma rest
    -toothbrush, and toothpaste

    You made it through the epic post- Way To Go!
    See you soon

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