Hello ski fans!
I was waiting to see if this snow would stick, and stick it has! We will have both sessions on-snow this week, and both sessions will be skating. First year TA’s will be joining us again Thursday, so this will be a good opportunity to have the 2nd and 3rd year athletes help out with getting the younger skiers going again.
Starting Thursday it will be mandatory for all skiers to have a well charged headlamp for the remainder of the season. Please let your child know they are responsible for this, and ensure they know how to put it on and better yet, how to turn it on! Also, please have appropriate gloves and clothing for your kids-We had a lot of cold skiers last week, and it really interferes with having a good practice.
We are also looking for some parents to help out on Thursday’s. You don’t need to be “good”, or experienced at coaching, but just to have a willingness to have a really good time! It really is fun, so please contact me at jwadsworth@biathloncanada.ca if you’re interested.