Week of Sept 13 (No session on Sept 16)

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    Sara Renner

    Hello Track Attack Parents,

    Welcome to session number one of TA!

    For Monday’s session we will be doing some icebreaker games, so please have your child dress warmly as we won’t be moving as much as normal.

    Please don’t send your kids with snacks, as it’s only an hour and a half and we won’t be taking time to have everyone eat something. Water/sport drink is great though!

    I’m sure you’ve gotten the emails regarding TA. If not, please see the below message from Leslie Simpson and myself….

    We’d like to introduce ourselves and give you all a little more information on the Track Attack program that will be starting this coming Monday Sept 13 and running through until March 10, 2022. Please read through completely. NO SESSION on Thursday Sept 16th.

    The on the ground coaching will be led by myself, Sara Renner. I grew up in the Canmore Nordic community, competed for Canada for many years and am a skier for life!

    The main organizer, head of logistics, and communication of all good things will be Leslie Simson.
    We also have a number of other coaches helping us out this year and have divided the kids into 3 pods of 20. The majority of sessions will depart form the Canmore Nordic Centre biathlon parking lot (each pod will have a specific meeting place in this area). Sessions begin at 5:00pm sharp and finish at 6:30pm. Please be on time for both drop off and pick up.

    Meeting places for PODS below:
    POD 1 – Intro Track attack – meet at American Flag
    POD 2 – Entrance Tunnel to Biathlon Stadium
    POD 3 – The only tree on the sledding hill
    (Link to PODS). PODs will likely change a little once on snow!

    Intro to Track Attackers (1st year)
    Train dry-land Monday’s only through September 30. At that point they take a break and resume
    Nov. 8 take part in both Monday and Thursday sessions through the winter.

    Second and third year TA’s
    Train both days of the week through the whole season. No session on Thursday September 16th!

    The main goal for all Track Attackers including the coaches and parents, is to maximize the enjoyment of cross-country skiing through a fun and focused learning environment with the emphasis on creating a culture of community.  We are not out to make everyone an Olympic racer, but racing will be part of what we do as a program and will bring great fun along with improved skiing skills for your child. It’s all about fitness, fun and physical literacy!

    For the fall dry-land sessions your child will need a good pair of running shoes (no skate or court shoes please), water bottle and carrier, as well as some warm clothes for when the sun goes down during training.  More details about winter equipment to come later!

    One last piece of information I’d like to ask you to share with your child.  For this program to work well, and for us to keep all of our great coaches enthused and able to do their best, it’s very important to have a discussion with your child about listening and paying attention during training.  It takes an incredible amount of energy and focus away from the group when one or two individuals are not listening or distracting others. Please take the time before the first training session to have this talk – Thanks!

    Look forward to seeing you all soon!


    Sara & Leslie

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