Hi Everyone,
Here is the scoop for this week coming up:
Monday Sept 17:
Meet at Centennial Park (park at LGMS) near the tot lot on the south side . We will do games, relays, strength and generally have lots of fun.
For first-timers coming to Track Attack – welcome! Please dress for the weather and bring a water bottle.
Thursday Sept. 21: (reminder Thursdays are TA only in the fall, Intro kids are Mondays only)
Classic rollerskiing at CNC AT 5PM (meet at Team Rm #2). Bring RUNNING SHOES(we will play a game and warmup first), classic poles, classic ski boots, bike helmet and gloves. Rollerskis are provided by the club.
Coming up:
Oct. 1 – Parent meeting during session. Starting at 5pm at CNC. I would like to have one parent from each family attending (even if your child has been in the program before). We will discuss the program including the calendar for the fall and winter.
Oct. 13-14 – Ribbon Creek Camp
A two day camp in Kananaskis based out of the Ribbon Creek Hostel for both Intro and TA kids (we have the whole place booked). This was one of the highlights of the program last year, definitely not to be missed so mark it into your child’s calendar! More details to follow this week so check the forum including where and how to sign up your child on the “doodle”. I will also need parent helpers which can also sign up at the same time.
See you soon