Week plan (Nov. 24-30)

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  • #6062


    Hi Team

    As of now the weekend race is a go! They hope to have enough snow made by the weekend for the race loops. The organizing committee will re-evaluate the snow situation on monday and finalize the race. There is still a chance the race will not go or that it will be modified. Assuming the race is on, here is the plan..

    Tuesday (T2-TC-TW): Z1 skate combo with sprints

    Wednesday a.m. (TW and TC with spare): Z1 CL combo, competitions

    Wednesday p.m. (T2-TC-TW): Z3-4 SK combo, short races

    Thursday (T2-TC-TW): Z1 SK combo and strength (weight room) …(Z1 CL combo for TW).

    Friday: Official training 10:00am-1:00pm. This is for IBU categories (Youth and up), however, senior boys and girls can join in. If your senior boy/girl and older I suggest you attend the official training. Also, you MUST let me know if you plan to attend official training so I can plan and make sure I have enough lanes. If you fail to let me know and then show up, you will not be shooting. Junior boys and girls should come up for a short (45min) ski after school.

    * Everyone will need to drop off race ski’s in the team room friday. I will send more info on how I want them prep’d later in the week.

    Saturday: Sprint race
    – Zero 10-10:45am
    – Race start 11:00am
    * Equipment check (IBU categories: checked equipment must stay in the holding pen)

    Sunday: Individual race
    – Zero: 9:00-9:45am
    – Race start 10:00am
    * Equipment check.

    Awards wil be at 3:00pm each day, everyone needs to show up even if they are not recieving a medal. This shows respect to your team, your fellow competitors, race organizers, volunteers and sponsors of the events… and without all of these groups you would not be racing! I would also like to see everyone in a Canmore Nordic race suit while racing and when at medal ceremonies wearing a CNSC jacket.

    Cross your fingers for cold nights so they can continue to make snow!
    😛 😛 😛

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