Weekend race info!

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  • #6516


    Hi Team

    Below is info for Saturday and Sunday

    Saturday (8):

    Sprint race, 2 shooting, penalty loops for misses
    Sr. B/G: 3x Red (remember proper rifle handling, complete stop at mat for rifles on and off, clip out, bolt open)
    Dev 2: 3x Pink (clip out/bolt open)
    Dev 1: 3x Black (clip out/bolt open)

    Arrive: 9:15am or earlier
    Team meeting: 9:15am
    Zero: 10:00am
    Start: 11:00am

    Arrive: 1:00pm
    Team meeting: 1:15pm
    Zero: 1:45pm
    Start: 2:30pm

    – There will be equipment check
    – Spare rounds will be taken by an official after the race. If you want them, you can just simply ask for them back and they will give them to you. Make sure you load some extra rounds in case of misfire.
    – Use tunnel when walking back and forth to range or skis on the course

    Sunday (9):

    Could be a cold day!! Dress warm! If it’s below -18 it could be postponed or cancelled (-15 for air rifles classes)

    5″ start in order of Saturdays finish. Penalty loops for misses
    Senior B/G: PPSS (prone, prone, standing, standing), 5x Orange
    Dev 2: PPPP, 5x Pink
    Dec 1: PPP, 4x Black

    SR B/G ONLY: Start: There will be no starter, you must know your start time and leave at the correct time! If you leave 1-3″ early you get a 30″ penalty, if you leave >3″ early you will be DSQ’d. I strongly advise you to start 1″ late! Just to be sure (You end up skiing in groups/drafting anyway, so starting 1″ late becomes a non factor)

    Arrive: 8:15am or earlier
    Team meeting: 8:15am
    Zero: 9:00am
    Start: 10:00am

    p.m. (same as Saturday)
    Arrive: 1:00pm
    Team meeting: 1:15pm
    Zero: 1:45pm
    Start: 2:30pm

    – Remember equip check
    – Remember to load spare rounds and to ask for them back after the official takes them (unless you don’t want them)
    – Use tunnel when walking back and forth to range or skis on the course

    Have fun out there tomorrow! Give your best effort and cheer on your team mates and competitors!
    😀 😀 😀

    See you in the morning

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