Westers/AB Champs week

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  • #5912


    Hey Team:

    Here is the info you need for this week

    Tuesday: warm-up combo and strength maint. in BWTC

    – Lauren, Emma, Evan to help with Bears, then easy ski. Other TT2’s Z3 intensity combo (classic or skate: check plan).

    Thursday: Ski strength combo, check your hours, some have 2.0hrs to do! (BRING FOOD!!!)
    Lauren, Emma, Evan: Some Z3 (ski strength) to make up for missedintensity on wednesday.
    ** Waxing race skis on Thursday night!!! Please bring race skis if you will use club wax.

    Westerns! (weekend plan): Jeff Lodge is taking the lead for this weekend. I will not be able to make it to Camrose until 8:00pm friday night. I will also be racing saturday, which should knock me out from exhaustion for the rest of the week! If you have questions for the weekend then e-mail Jeff at jefflodge@hotmail.com. Jeff will send out weekend info via e-mail as we get closer. I of course will be in Camrose this weekend coaching as well.

    This is Western Canadian Championships so get pumped!! 😀 😀 😀

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