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  • #6398


    HI Team

    Here are the next 3 weeks of training!! I am posting this now as I will be away next week for a little RnR before we ramp things up towards winter!!

    ALL practice plans are attached!

    Mornings are getting cold… winter is on the way 😛 😛 😛

    NEW RULE: We have had too many people missing practices without any communication to me. When you miss practice it effects the whole team! To accomplish our goals we must be committed to each other, push each other and be positive with each other. Therefore, if you will miss practice you must call or e-mail me BEFORE the session. With the winter approaching, you should all be attending most practices anyway. If you have conflicts let me know ahead of time. Thanks! Please stay on top of this so your team mates feel valued and respected by you! OK? 😀

    Week 1 (Sept 28-Oct 4):

    Tuesday (29): TW/TC/LC: 4:30-6:30pm. Pursuit race at NC. Arrive as early as possible for warm-up. Done by 6:30pm. You will need both CL and SK rollerski gear (in a pursuit XC race you change techniques half way through… pretty exciting!!!)

    Wednesday (30):
    a.m. TW: Z1 Rski combo 8:30-10:30am

    p.m. 4:30-6:30pm
    TC/LC: Z1 run combo + strength (weight room)
    * LC with TC this wednesday to shoot a bit more

    The rest of the week by group:
    Thursday (1) p.m. 4:30-6:30pm: Z3 combo, lead by Lawrence and Rich
    – The rest of the week is training on own, recovery week so get recovered!

    REVELSTOKE CAMP!!! You should all have the plan!!!

    Week 2 (Oct 5-11):

    Tuesday (6) p.m. 4:30-6:30pm TW/TC/LC: Z1 running combo (very small amount of Z3 as well)
    * Roddy leaves for week after this session (I am available by e-mail or phone if needed, might take a bit longer for a response as I will check e-mail every couple days)

    Wednesday (7): a.m. 9-11am.
    TW: Z1 Rski SK combo, lead by Mel
    TC/LC: Should be running XC zones!

    p.m. no session, recover from XC zones

    Thursday (8) p.m. 4:30-6:30pm. TW/TC/LC: Z3 Rski SK combo or Z1 run combo (if you did XC zones). Lead by Lawrence and Rich.

    Sunday (11) a.m. 9-11am
    TW/TC: Z1 Rski CL combo with sprints
    LC: Z3 Rski CL combo
    * Lead by Jeff and Garth

    Week 3 (Oct 12-18):
    – Roddy Back

    Tuesday (13): TW/TC/LC: 4:30-6:30pm. Z3 Rski SK combo

    Wednesday (14): a.m. TW: 9-11am. Z1-2 ski strength combo

    TC: Z1-2 ski strength combo
    LC: With XC for physical, check XC forum for details

    Thursday (15): a.m. TW: 9-11am With TW XC for physical

    p.m. LC/TC on own, strength at BWTC

    Weekend by group (16-17-18):

    CWG eligible athletes: Biathlon Alberta Competition Camp. Competition shooting, sport psych and nutrition with respect to competition and travel. I am running this camp, there will be good competitive practice situations and learning from experts.

    Non- CWG eligible (some TW’s and LC’s):

    Saturday: RSki SK Biathlon race. details to come

    Sunday: Running biathlon race. Details to come.

    Hope this all makes sense. There may be updates to keep checking this post. Updates I will enter in an additional colour.

    Later, 8) 😛

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