XC Training: Sept 30 – Oct 6

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    Alain Parent

    Super great job at the Nipika camp. The fitness is really, really good; it was obvious from the Sunday workout. Matt and I are very happy with how things are going. Let’s keep it up.

    A few reminders:
    – Sign up for XC running zones with your school
    – Race suit ordering on Tuesday Oct 1, 6:30-7:00pm bwtc
    – T3’s, please let us know a yes or no for the Lake Louise camp: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjD4IpvHy8sWdHRBc1NkNFRjZy1mY294RGdwbkZ2Z0E#gid=0

    Here’s the plan for this week:

    Tuesday (1) T3/LC: Orienteering type session for T1/T2/T3/LC. Not the usual CNC routes! We will start at 5:00pm today. Biathletes to join at 5:10 please! Meet at team room. Done at 6:30pm

    Wednesday (2) LC: Skate rollerskiing. Meet at Alberta visitor centre. 4:30pm-6:00pm.

    Thursday (3) T3/LC: Bike up from home (do 20min minimum). Arrive gym for strength at 5:00. Done in gym at 6:15pm.

    Saturday (5) T3/LC: Ski walking/striding at Nordic Centre. Meet at team room 9:30-11:15am.

    The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.
    Tommy Lasorda

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