Interview with December Club Athlete of the Month! – Kota Postma

Interview with Kota Postma, our Canmore Nordic Ski Club athlete of the month.

How old were you when you starting skiing?
I have been skiing for about as long as I can remember, probably since I was 4 or 5 years old.

Where is your favorite place to skiing?
Mt. Shark is probably one of my favorite places to ski, there is a lot of fun skiing there.

Fondest ski memory?
I can’t really think of one memory that stands out but at every camp and trip that we go to we always have a lot of fun and many memories are made.

What do you love about xc skiing?
Being fit and pushing myself to new limits as well as being out in the wilderness are definitely some reasons why I like xc skiing.

What do you love about being part of Canmore Nordic SC?
I like being able to make new friends and meet new people within the club and also meet people from different ski clubs at races.


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