January Club Athlete of the Month! – It’s a tie…

January Athletes of the Month……..
The Club would like to recognize the amazing efforts of Anna Sellers, Ty Godfrey and Reed Godfrey in being selected to represent Canada at the respective Biathlon and Cross Country Youth/World Championships this and last month. We are incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication that these athletes have put in over the last few years to achieve the first of many competition goals!

Ty Godfrey

How old were you when you started skiing? 1 year old
Where is your favorite place to ski? Lake Louise
Fondest ski memory? Racing at World Junior Championships in Utah, Canada Winter Games in Prince George, and Alberta Winter Games.
What do you love about xc skiing? You get to travel the world and meet new people all the time.
What do you love about being part of Canmore Nordic SC? Even though there are a lot of different age groups, every member gets along really well with each other. The team environment is great and friendly.
Reed Godfrey
I started skiing when I was around 1 (at the time I started walking). My favorite places to ski at Praz De Lys France, Silverstar and Soldier Hollow (especially when it’s sunny!). Fondest ski memory was when my partner and Ty’s partner mixed us up in the exchange zone when we were finishing our lap in the team sprint at Thunder Bay Nationals (Thomas and Stefan). I love skiing because I love being outside and having an overall goal in life that I am always working towards. But most of all, it’s fun! Canmore Nordic is great because it’s a fun and supportive environment with awesome teammates.
Anna Sellers

How old were you when you started skiing?

I started jack rabbits when I was six years old and biathlon when I was eleven.
Where is your favorite place to ski?
My favorite place to go skiing is either up at mount shark or out at Lake Louise.
Fondest ski/biathlon memory?
Some of my fondest ski memories have to be all the whipped cream that coach Brian used to bring to practice when I was in biathlon bears or making signs, cheering, taking photos and giving out chips ahoy to people to make them race faster when I’m not competing. The Haig camp (and more specifically Haig idol) is always a highlight of the ski season as well!
What do you love about biathlon?
I really enjoy skiing because you’re able to travel to so many cool places for competitions and you are able to make so many amazing new friends from all across the country (or even from all around the world).
What do you love about being part of Canmore Nordic SC?
I’ve always loved being a part of Canmore Nordic because of all the fun we have while training hard and skiing fast! I also love when you’re part of Canmore Nordic because it really feels like your coaches and teammates actually care about how you do and always want to see you succeed and improve in the sport!