February Club Athlete of the Month! – Seth Hewie

February Athlete of the Month is Seth Hewie. New to Canmore Nordic this year Seth has embraced every challenge given to him giving 100% at everything he does. He was recognized by his teammates for his great support and great attitude even wanting to ski with them when he was on the Exchange with his old club Nakkertok!!

How old were you when you started skiing?
I started skiing as soon as I could walk.

Where is your favorite place to ski?
My favorite place to ski when there is actually snow is still Nakkertok.

Fondest ski memory?
My Fondest ski memory would be at NORAMs in Quebec when I was racing along side of my best friend. I was 13.

What do you love about xc skiing/biathlon?
I just love racing. I love the adrenaline, speed and all my friends at the clubs.

What do you love about being part of Canmore Nordic SC?
I love the coach and race support and how close the Nordic center is to my house.