November Club Athlete of the Month! – Ellie Thompson

Introducing November Athlete of the Month – Ellie Thompson! New to cross country ski racing this year, Ellie joined the Train to Train program and shows great passion for xc skiing already. Ellie was nominated by her teammates for her willingness to work hard to improve her ski technique and her wonderfully positive attitude. “She always has a smile on her face, even when the coach springs a strength test on us!”

How old were you when you starting skiing?
I started skiing when I was 12

Where is your favourite place to ski?
My favorite place to ski is the Canmore Nordic Center and the place in Lake Louise that we skied at during the bow valley camp

Fondest ski memory?
My fondest ski memory is the very first day I skied with the Canmore Nordic ski team. I was really nervous because I was not very experienced, but my coaches and teammates all assured me that it was ok and that I was going to be great.

What do you love about xc skiing?
I love everything about xc skiing but it’s hard to beat the feeling of wind in your hair when you ski and all the excitement of the race. I also love the way you feel at the end of a good workout!

What do you love about being part of Canmore Nordic Ski Club?
One thing I love about being a part of the Canmore Nordic Ski Club is the team. I love going to camps with my teammates, becoming a better skier with them and making memories together